Khamis, 24 Februari 2011

input weekend


byk rupenye entry draft  aku..haha..
ni salah sepuloh dr nye..see..ats kecit cumel tu yg taip..
nk suh karang lagi pjg,dia taip tu je..
meh aku translet :
mak pak nama urup "Z"
terbaek terbaek terbaek "1"..and dia anak yg no"1"..haa..bijak x ibu mu ni nakk..

blogging sesion

Isnin, 21 Februari 2011

mari kita lupa sama2

yaa,,kdg2 kene lupa ..sbb bak kata afdlin,"kdg rse kalo aku lupa pon xpa la"..
..bru la x overquota..nk increase  minda compress kompom senang.

ceciter ceciter..

1.buat output laju2..
2.buang,bakor,,kite bakor kite bakor..
3.lupuskan kat ladang gadong..
4.taddaaaa...saya dh lupa apa yg sy nk tulis sbnrnye..hoho

Khamis, 17 Februari 2011

My bad Day

yes yes yes..
real bad badzmaru..
adeh..patah tengkuk..
pala pusing..
perut kruk krak..

harum je bau nsi goreng smbal nsi lemak ni..bila buleh mkn ni..
serbe slh nk gila lapaq!!

jem mcm @#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*(!@#$%^&*(
mailbox lotus ni pon jem gak..iskh..

mmg my bad!

i need a vacation!on *my own!   <ours la benarnye>

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011


semangat tggu 391 KBS ni..epsod 10 kut rini..hehe..lama dh x tersyok tgk KBS,tup2 tertgk
maka terlekat la..tiada halangan lak tu..haha..i got the power!!org lain sibuk dgn kerja msing2..aku pon ade kje tibi..hihi

the power of remote cun-trool..391 ja la aku tekan..

dream high~cite anak2 rumaja,tpi buleh la lyn kan dr x tau nk tgk cita apa..tu stiap senin -selasa,9.03pm..mule2 aku paksa mata aku tgk,lama2 mata aku paksa aku tgk tiap hri ..tu la powerful of korean je ke?huhu..tah,saje prasan cm best je minat korea ni..haha..npt tend to be different dah..

Description: Six students at Girin Art High School work to achieve their dreams of becoming stars.
16 episodes - Mon, Tue 21:55
This is the story of youths becoming top global stars which could take place in the not-so-distant future.
You may have the looks, talent, personality and even a respectable private life, but it's still tough to rise as a successful star. Here is a group of youths who are still up for this daring challenge.
They all have a single weakness barring them becoming the ultimate top star. The weaknesses wouldn't be an issue or an inconvenience to an ordinary person, but they are detrimental to a pop star.
One girl sings superbly but her appearance is not the best to stand before the TV camera.
Another student has the looks and musical talent but has a distorted, prejudiced view of the world.
There are others who have amazing talent but an unsophisticated fashion sense.
Each of these students have managed to pass the exam and enter Kirin Arts High School to begin headlong the challenge of becoming a top superstar.
The characters maximize their unique talents and overcome their weaknesses.
They fall, trip and fail which only boosts their confidence.
The ridicule and scorn they are used to will one day turn into cheers and support.
The underdogs and the losers will fly up high and their story will be an inspiration to young viewers.

pastu single daddy in love senin -jumat kut..10.10pm ..tgk cite ni mcm best gak,lawak emo smua ada..

boleh teka kut mana heroin ..

Title: 싱글파파는 열애중 / Single Dad in Love
Also known as: Single Papa in Love
Chinese title : 单身爸爸恋爱中
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2008-Feb-18 to 2008-April-08
Air time: Mondays & Tuesdays 21:55 (9:55 Korean time)

The love story of a single dad, Kang Poong Ho, who raises his 7 year old son alone after being abandoned by his first love, Yoon So Yi. By day he works as a pest exterminator and by night he is a martial artist. Jeon Ha Ri, is a medical student from a wealthy family who falls for Poong Ho. She secretly teaches Poong Ho’s son, San, how to play the piano. Poong Ho’s first love is also his son’s mother who is a cold and proud woman who left her family to study abroad as a pianist. She was sponsored by Jeon Ki Suk who happens to be her fiancée and Ha Ri’s father.
Oh Ji Ho as Kang Poong Ho
Heo Yi Jae as Jeon Ha Ri
Kang Sung Yun as Yoon So Yi
Park Chan Hwan as Jeon Ki Suk (Ha Ri’s father / So Yi’s fiancée)
Im Joo Hwan as Min Hyun Ki
Extended Cast
Shin Dong Hee as Oh Chil Gu
Ahn Do Gyu as Kang San
Kim Ja Ok aw Jung Eun Jee
Kim Ha Eun as Ha Ri’s friend
Lee Doo Il as Kang Poong Ho’s boxing coach

dulu kt Uni ade mber tolong feed sumber2 muvi @ series yg best..skang usha sndrik ja la..haha..suka2..

tgh peknen dlu smpat duk layan cinderella stepsister,tgk sguh2 sbb takut terbranak nti x sempat nk tgk smpi sudah..tup2..mmg overdue gak sempat tgk abes cite tuh..haha..


haa..aku tggu "oh yeah!" tpi x tau pkul brapa cite dorg x rekod yg baru lgi?yg tu mmg lawak..penat golak..

Isnin, 14 Februari 2011

tend to be different

it just me ...

dont know why i have this feeling..
always try to second-class of myself..
seconded my true self..
maybe watches to many drama *korean??..

it just still me..

 a person who like to over feeling..haha..over the acting..long time agoooo..
i should love myself and tried not to be super emo-negative thinker.
every cloud has its silver lining..

whats the point?i aso donno..testing to do some essay writing i guess..

lets repeat again...the story telling begin..

once  upon a time ,there was a girl who believe that she is super dupper cool..
she always want to be the best..but actually she's not..there's nothing that she good at ..

put some more space...


reka-ing stories..huhu..terremember at time,mse ter-missing al-dompet..haha..buleh yakin bhwasanya dompet tu duk kat lua library Uni..
siap repot kty balai parit buntaq yg mnyeramkan tu lgi..kene rm2 lagi..sbb kunun kne curik la kan..beg ltk kt lua,msuk study bgai org yg rjin dlm library..

rupanya ,memang duk dlm drawer lab skool e.e ja wallet tu..hahahahahahaha..bingung bengung..mujo x p wat ic baru lgi time tu..

tp..kesinambungannya kne gk wt ic lps dh grade ...

ade org x sedar diri p curik beg aku lak..budus ,smpai mati kne maki..ops..x baik  x baik ...ptt mntk dia insap la kan..trgt iklan yg dia ragut org,pstu mak dia plak kne..huhu..sian mak dia x besalah..


Maulud nabi

Pinjam entry ...2 cinta 1 hati..

Maka zahirkan lah cinta kita pada Rasulullah s.a.w dengan berselawat kepada beliau.. “Sesungguhnya orang yang paling dekat denganku pada hari Kiamat adalah orang yang paling banyak berselawat kepadaku.” (HR An Nasai dan Ibnu Hibban)

Dan.. “Orang yang bakhil ialah orang yang mendengar namaku disebut, tetapi tidak berselawat ke atasku” (HR Al Tirmizi)

Bukan sahaja dengan selawat ini kita mendekati Rasul s.a.w, maka rahmat Allah jua mencucuri ke atas kita… Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a., Nabi s.a.w. bersabda: “Orang yang berselawat ke atas aku sekali, Allah berselawat* keatas nya sepuluh kali“ (HR Muslim)

*Allah berselawat, bermaksud Rahmat Allah

Khamis, 10 Februari 2011

da pewtang

agak kewl dawn sket ini pitang..
aperw lgiw,jom ar kitew rewdy nak blik ..
moh lerw..

sok bawu jumaat dowh..
ku ingt rini bawu rabuw..
tibew2 smngt gitew..
ape saiii..<<<---x msuk tone "w" la pulak

jom jom jom di mana joew jambuii..


dah pukul 12!
aku x pam lgi !
byk hari skip2 session!
warghhh..cmna nk truskan smpai 2taun!
alhmdullah la stok byk dan ckup lgi..

hukhukhuk..sadissssssnye keje ni!smua kene ikut rules!
x ley aku nk wt kje yg aku suke je?hahaha..
woii..keje sndri la kalo nk wt kje yg ko suke je..




sailoorrmoonn biruuuuu...
membantu mencegah kejahatan di muka bumi..yieehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

p/s:hukhuk..x ley nk tmbah komen yg di beri oleh cik tuan la..bz2 pon smpat gk komen no..hahaha..tu la..kne bli GPS yg tunjuk arh opis,bru leh jupe tu ..kan kan ..papago pon ok..pocoyo boleh menari2 dlm tu..

Rabu, 9 Februari 2011

graf van der verr

unit kilogram(kg) vs bulan
2.84                       0
4                            1
5.2                         2
6.5                         3
7.4                        4
7.5                        6
7.7                        7

iskh iskh graf mendatar dh skang belum underweight lgi,,sedang2 saje..lenguh gk dukung..hehe..smoga sihat slalu ..tmbah lg sekilo dua

haha tgh stress kt opis ,dgn chart ni betambah stress kan diri ja..mula2 wt kt excel,x lawa plak..pstu try kt power point insert chart..
 ala..salah paksi pstu tak complete..iskh ..tgu la nti senang aku edit..nyampah lak..huhu..

Selasa, 8 Februari 2011

bulan ke2 2011

wah sekejapan saje msuk februari..taun ni brapa hri?28 hri ..iskh byr monthly park td sama je ngn bulan2 yg 30/31 hari..nk ckp lebey2 tak brani la saya..haha..sndiri yg mau pilih byr monthly kan..

kelebihannye depa jga park kita ja,tpi seloww ja bang_la tu nk guide aku msuk parking ,,aku pon selowww gk nk adjust2 bg betui keta msuk park tu..haha..sama adil la..mujo si kecik tu duk senyap je time adjas2 tu..

dia sgt baek2 saja dua hari di awl bulan feb ni..semoga terusla ye kebaikannya di dlm car seat itu..hehe..
letih gk la ptg smlm ibu nyanyi2 + wat bunyik2 untk hiburkan ati anak daraku itu ..haha..supaya duk senyap2..jenis ngntuk tapi tahan mata x mo lena,dkt nk smpi umh bru nk lena,apa kes kan..enjin mati ja sedar pulok..sian anak ibu ..hehe..

terimalah stroller utk anak kembar..haha..amani with adam of ain_najmi went shoping..